Wednesday, May 27, 2015

How to make a realistic tears in Photoshop

How to make a realistic tears in Photoshop - In this short tutorial for beginners, you will learn how to make a realistic tears in Photoshop in just a few minutes.
realistic tears in Photoshop

Step 1
Open the desired image in Photoshop. Then select the tool Pen (Pen) and try to create a form of tears. The form should be filled in with black. By the way, you can simply search and download on the Internet brush tears. Make sure that the form has turned rough and looks like a real tear.

Step 2
Change the blending mode of the layer with a tear in the Screen (screen), go to Layer> Layer Style> Blending Options. (Layer - Layer Style - Blending Options) and set the layer styles as shown below:

Step 3
It looks quite good, but not as realistic as it would like. We need to add some white glare to tears. Select the tool Pencil (Pencil), set the size of about 1 pixel, and then on a new layer, make a few white dots, as shown in the image below.

Step 4
Select the tool Blur (Blur) and slightly blur the white point:

As a result, we were able to create a realistic and transparent beautiful tear. Do not be afraid to experiment, and you get your own interesting effects !

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